The Witches Walk is just 2 days away! We are still in need of candy. You can drop donations off at the front office. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Davidson
MONDAY NIGHT GIRLS BBALL GAME: 8th Grade Game will be played first (@430pm)... followed by the 7th Grade Game... come out and catch some Wildcat Basketball as we take on Eureka Middle School!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
HENSEY BUSES -- BACK TO 4-BUS PLAN TODAY, OCT 20... MORNING--Orange riders picked up by Purple a few mins late; Purple (except Tall Oaks riders) picked up by Purple a few mins late; Green riders will be picked up a few mins late by Orange bus driven by Ms. Brooks (Green bus not in use); Purple/Tall Oaks riders will be picked up a few mins late by Orange; Red riders will be picked up by Red @ normal times; Pink riders picked up @ normal times; AFTERNOON: Orange riders will take Purple-drop times may swing either way a few mins; Purple riders will take Purple-drop times may swing either way a few mins; Red riders will take Red-normal times; Green riders will take Orange-normal times; Pink riders will take Pink-normal times.
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
Hey Manor Wildcats, We are in Week 3 of our October Bullying Prevention Month. In Weeks 1 and 2 we focused on Sticking to Kindness and "See Something, Say Something." Now join us on Friday, October 21st in continuing to "Erase Bullying" by wearing White (White-Out bullying) or Orange (Unite Against Bullying) to show your sypport for one your classmates and our community. Then prepare for Week 4 as we focus on Cyberbullying. Yes, those devices we find in our hands so often. Students may voluntarily track their "Screen Time" during the final week of October to build awareness of cyberbullying and social media risks. At the end of the week, the class with the least cumulative minutes will receive donuts and the chance to play in a team dodgeball game. (A minimum of 8 logs in a class will be required for entry). Have your log ready now:
over 2 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Screen Time
MANOR BUSES 🚌 BACK TO OUR 4-BUS PLAN TODAY, OCT 20... Bus #33 & #55 Riders taking #55... *anticipate #55 pick-up times delayed by a few mins; other buses = no changes… AFTERNOON: Bus #11 riders taking bus #11 with 10-15 EARLY drop times; Bus #99 riders taking bus #33 (with Ms. Brooks driving; bus #99 is not in use) with 10-15min EARLY drop times; TALL OAKS/#55 RIDERS taking bus #33 with normal drop times; #55 riders who do not drop @ Tall Oaks taking #55 with normal drop times; #33 bus riders taking #11 with normal drop times; #44 riders taking #44 with normal drop times.
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
HENSEY—3 BUSES ON WED, OCT 19… MORNING: GREEN RIDERS picked up by Orange–minor delays; RED RIDERS picked up by Orange–minor delays possible; PINK RIDERS picked up by Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS picked up by Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE/TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE/NON TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by Orange-minor delays possible… AFTERNOON: GREEN RIDERS taking Orange–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS taking Orange–minor delays possible; PINK RIDERS taking Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE RIDERS taking Purple-a few mins delay possible… *BACK TO 4 BUSES THURSDAY… Thank you parents!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
MANOR BUSES - WED, OCT 19… MORNING: #99 RIDERS picked up by #33-minor delays; TALL OAKS/#55 RIDERS picked up by #33-minor delays; #55 NON-TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by #55-minor delays; #44 RIDERS picked up by #44-same; #33 RIDERS picked up by #55–delays of 10-15 min (*pick up for MarVista/Northridge is approx 730-735am; Ernest/Peach 743-747am); #11 RIDERS picked up by #55-a few mins delays… AFTERNOON–#99 RIDERS taking #33 with 10-15 min early drop times; #11 RIDERS taking #55 with 10-15 min early drop times; #44 RIDERS taking #44-same; #33 RIDERS taking #33-minor delays; TALL OAKS/#55 RIDERS taking #33-minor delays; #55/NON TALL OAKS RIDERS taking #55-minor delays… *4-BUS PLAN - 10/19
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
Huge shoutout to our Wildcat families! Together we were able to donate 345 items for our Moms Who Care and Wildcat Cares rooms! Final totals for our 2nd School Showdown are..... Beverly Manor- 139 items John L. Hensey- 206 items Congratulations, John L. Hensey for going back-to-back! The trophy will stay at Hensey until our next Showdown!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Davidson
October 16-22, 2022 is Principal Appreciation Week in Illinois and Friday, October 21st is Principal Appreciation Day. Please join me in showing appreciation for our building leaders at John L. Hensey and Beverly Manor Schools respectively...Mr. Josh Zaiser, Mrs. Melissa Davidson, Mr. Corey Sharp, and Mr. Brett Lawless. Thank you for all you do for Washington District 50 Schools!
over 2 years ago, Chad Allaman
HENSEY BUSES - BACK TO 4-BUS PLAN - OCT 17... MORNING--Orange riders picked up by Purple a few mins late; Purple (except Tall Oaks riders) picked up by Purple a few mins late; Green riders will be picked up a few mins late by Orange bus driven by Ms. Brooks (Green bus not in use); Purple/Tall Oaks riders will be picked up a few mins late by Orange; Red riders will be picked up by Red @ normal times; Pink riders picked up @ normal times; AFTERNOON: Orange riders will take Purple-drop times may swing either way a few mins; Purple riders will take Purple-drop times may swing either way a few mins; Red riders will take Red-normal drop times; Green riders will take Orange-normal drop times; Pink riders will take Pink-normal drop times. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
MORNING: MANOR BUSES 🚌 BACK TO OUR 4-BUS PLAN - MONDAY, OCT 17... Bus #33 & #55 Riders taking #55... *anticipate #55 pick-up times delayed by a few mins; other buses = no changes… AFTERNOON: Bus #11 riders taking bus #11 with 10-15 EARLY drop times; Bus #99 riders taking bus #33 (with Ms. Brooks driving; bus #99 is not in use) with 10-15min EARLY drop times; TALL OAKS/#55 RIDERS taking bus #33 with normal drop times; #55 riders who do not drop @ Tall Oaks taking #55 with normal drop times; #33 bus riders taking #11 with normal drop times; #44 riders taking #44 with normal drop times. Thanks for your help!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
Check out these two amazing upcoming opportunities at the Northern Tazewell Fire Station! Details attached!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Davidson
fire safety
Our Wildcats are continuing to focus on ways to extinguish bullying in and outside of school during October's Bullying Prevention Month! One of these efforts is to monitor and understand the responsible use of social media and its 24/7 access to our children. Check out the flyer below and take a moment to have a conversation about these privacy and internet safety suggestions about just one of many social media apps. (
over 2 years ago, Dr. Sharp
HENSEY - SAME BUS PLAN ON FRIDAY, OCT 14_______MORNING: GREEN RIDERS picked up by Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS picked up by Red–5-10 min swing either way; PINK RIDERS picked up by Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS picked up by Purple-a few mins delay possible; GREEN-ROLLING MEADOWS SOUTH RIDERS picked up by Purple–10-15min delays/projected 8AM pickup; PURPLE-TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by Pink-minor delays possible________AFTERNOON: GREEN RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; PINK RIDERS taking Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
MANOR BUSES - SAME ON FRIDAY, OCT 14____MORNING: #11 RIDERS picked up by #11-same times; #55-TALL OAKS BUS RIDERS picked up by #11-same times; #44 RIDERS picked up by #44-same times; #33 RIDERS picked up by #55–delays of 10-15 min possible (*projected pick up for MarVista/Northridge is approx 730-735am & for Ernest/Peach 743-747am); #55-NON TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by #55-minor delays; #99 RIDERS picked up by #55-minor delays. ___AFTERNOON: #99 RIDERS taking #55/10-15min early; #11 RIDERS taking #11/10-15 min early; #44 RIDERS taking #44/same times; #33 RIDERS taking #11-minor delays; #55-NON TALL OAKS RIDERS taking #55-minor delays; #55-TALL OAKS RIDERS taking #11-minor delays… Thank You!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
HENSEY - SAME BUS PLAN ON FRIDAY, OCT 14_______MORNING: GREEN RIDERS picked up by Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS picked up by Red–5-10 min swing either way; PINK RIDERS picked up by Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS picked up by Purple-a few mins delay possible; GREEN-ROLLING MEADOWS SOUTH RIDERS picked up by Purple–10-15min delays/projected 8AM pickup; PURPLE-TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by Pink-minor delays possible________AFTERNOON: GREEN RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; PINK RIDERS taking Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
MANOR BUSES - SAME ON FRIDAY, OCT 14____MORNING: #11 RIDERS picked up by #11-same times; #55-TALL OAKS BUS RIDERS picked up by #11-same times; #44 RIDERS picked up by #44-same times; #33 RIDERS picked up by #55–delays of 10-15 min possible (*projected pick up for MarVista/Northridge is approx 730-735am & for Ernest/Peach 743-747am); #55-NON TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by #55-minor delays; #99 RIDERS picked up by #55-minor delays. ___AFTERNOON: #99 RIDERS taking #55/10-15min early; #11 RIDERS taking #11/10-15 min early; #44 RIDERS taking #44/same times; #33 RIDERS taking #11-minor delays; #55-NON TALL OAKS RIDERS taking #55-minor delays; #55-TALL OAKS RIDERS taking #11-minor delays… Thank You!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless
Check out all of these donations for our 2nd School Showdown! Tomorrow is the deadline to get in shampoo and/or deodorant. It is such a close race that we can't even predict who will win the traveling trophy for October! Remember all donations will go to the Moms Who Care and Wildcat Cares rooms. Thanks for your support, Wildcats!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Davidson
school showdown
Beverly Manor parents and guardians : Now that our first quarter has come to a close - you can find your child's Quarter 1 report card on Skyward. It is found under the "Portfolio" section in Skyward family access. Also, you can see if you student made the Honor/Merit Roll by clicking in the "Grading" section, and then selecting the "Honor Roll" tab
over 2 years ago, Jessica Sale
HENSEY (3) BUSES ON THURSDAY, OCT 13_______MORNING: GREEN RIDERS picked up by Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS picked up by Red–5-10 min swing either way; PINK RIDERS picked up by Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS picked up by Purple-a few mins delay possible; GREEN-ROLLING MEADOWS SOUTH RIDERS picked up by Purple–10-15min delays/projected 8AM pickup; PURPLE-TALL OAKS RIDERS picked up by Pink-minor delays possible________AFTERNOON: GREEN RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; RED RIDERS taking Red–minor delays possible; PINK RIDERS taking Pink-same approx times; ORANGE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible; PURPLE RIDERS taking Purple-minor delays possible. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Lawless