Just a reminder that wrestling practices begin tomorrow, Monday, Dec 2nd. Practices will be held at John L Hensey School (304 E Almond Dr). Please use the circle drive to drop off and pick up. Practice will run from 5:00-7:00pm. Please be prompt with drop off and pick up. Each athlete MUST have a current sports physical on file in their school office or may bring it to practice tomorrow and give to Coach Godinez. Practice clothes- shorts, tshirt, wrestling shoes. Athletes should also bring a water bottle.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
John L. Hensey Thanksgiving Feast Fun
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Jamie Wolf
The kids had a great time today with the Wildcat at the Thanksgiving Feast at John L. Hensey
Thanksgiving Feast with the Wildcat
Thanksgiving feast
Breakfast with Santa - John L. Hensey Saturday, December 7th
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Jamie Wolf
Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 7th
8TH Grade GBB Regional game set for Dec 2 at 7:30pm at El Paso Gridley Jr High School. 403 McLean St- Gridley. Bus time will be 6:00pm.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Don't forget - today is the last day to place your order in the online spirit store! There is a great variety of items, and your purchases support D50 PTC. You'll receive delivery before Christmas - perfect for stocking stuffers. https://gowildcats2019.itemorder.com/sale
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Sale
Good afternoon 8th grade parents, Please hop onto the provided website and take a brief, two-question survey about Graduation attire for us so that we can best prepare for the needs of our families. https://forms.gle/dBWSqqn3dwtf4P8t7 We appreciate your help in working to best serve our families.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Our Fall Healthy Minds, Healthy Neighborhoods Event has come to close. We learned a lot about helping children build healthy relationships in our fourth installment! Now, we are excited to announce that registration for our fifth installment of HMHN is now open. These two Spring events will focus on building Social Awareness and we cannot wait for April to arrive. Please sign up for the free event below! https://forms.gle/1Pf8d5TErE8nMvZA6
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Spring HMHN
Mr. Sharp crafted his own song to motivate Beverly Manor students for success on the IAR test. After hearing student feedback and he is really searching for a shot at redemption as a singing celebrity. However, he is not a lyrical poet and is searching for help. So he is calling for all of the creative songwriters out there to to compose an IAR song for him to select and sing this year (with the background music in mind). If you need some inspiration, enjoy viewing last years video. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a_qoenj_8aEhj5PRYz0ryl2v6gQphkkn/view?usp=sharing Song lyrics can be submitted to Mr. Sharp up until January 10th, 2020! The test isn't approaching too quickly, but we all know he needs practice.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Sharp
5 Essentials Survey for School Feedback Good morning Beverly Manor Parent(s) & Guardian(s), We are so close to our goal for response rates on the 5 Essentials survey that will be used by District 50 administration and teachers to identify key strengths and improvement areas in our district and we would sincerely appreciate feedback from our parent community in this process. Please visit the link in the provided here: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ The survey takes about 10 minutes and we greatly appreciate the information you can provide us. We are at an 18% response rate and would love to hear from more families! Thank you, Mr. Sharp
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Final Stretch
From NTRA: Don't forget to sign up for basketball! Registration is available online until December 15th. We are also looking for volunteer coaches and team sponsors for the upcoming season. For more information, or to register, please visit our website at www.ntrainc.org
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Just a reminder that the pickup for the Busy Corner Pie Fundraiser is this Thursday, the 21st from 5:30-7:30 p.m. You can pick up the pies at the John L. Hensey gymnasium. Please make sure you pick the pies up that evening, we do not have the ability to store them.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Sale
It’s not too late to adopt a family! Please contact Ms. Allen or Mrs. Hudgens to participate in our 2nd Annual Angel Tree!
almost 5 years ago, Hensey Counselor
Angel Tree
Monday, November 18th @ 4:30pm! First Boys Basketball home game of the season. Come on out to watch our Wildcats take on Tremont. The theme is White Out- D50 students dressed in all white will receive free admission! Or head on over to Germantown Hills to watch the girls play!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Correction on Basketball and cheer photos. The date is actually Monday, November 25th for team and individual pictures. My apologies!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
The 7th grade girl's basketball regional bracket is set! D50 will play WMS at 12:30pm on Saturday, November 23 at Beverly Manor School! Come on out and cheer on the Wildcats!!!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Basketball and cheer photos will be taken on Monday, November 28th. Order forms will be sent home in the next few days.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Washington District 50 Schools Board of Education: James Washburn, Sr. - President, George Garcia - Vice President, David Price - Secretary, Leticia Padilla, Becky Rossman, Stephanie Seidl, and Greg Corkron. Thank you for your service to our district!
almost 5 years ago, Chad Allaman
Today is School Board Members Day in Illinois. We hope you will join us in expressing our apprectiation to our board members for the deddication and service to make our district a Great Place for Great Kids! Thank you D50 board members!
almost 5 years ago, Chad Allaman
Great turnout tonight at our Washington Wrestling Co-op meeting! If you weren’t able to make it, no problem! Please contact Mrs Miller at [email protected] for the information shared.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Miller
October Students of the Month! We are excited to present our 10 students of the month from October. (I promise we have ten, one is doing some hiding!). Read on to hear about our students and what great things they are doing to show Wildcat Pride. Morgan Carlyle: Morgan always comes to school ready to learn and in such a positive attitude that fills the room. Morgan has really come out of her shell this year and has made great improvements in both reading and math! She is a great helper around the room when I need a hand, and she never complains when given a task to complete. Charlie Meinders: He is always supportive of other students, participates in everything. He is so very kind and courteous. Austin Kaufmann: Austin does a very good job with working with others and helping them out if they need assistance. He always has a positive attitude and has not gotten in trouble in my class once this year. He is always asking to help me out in the classroom and never complains if I ask him to do something. He is a great friend to others and even goes above and beyond to make sure that everyone gets along and to keep others on track. Finn Johnson: Finn is a new student to Beverly Manor but has already proven to be an outstanding member of our student body. He is consistently cooperative and respectful to all of his teachers. His assignments are always completed and turned in on time. He received excellent scores on his report card for the first grading period. Finn is already becoming involved in extra activities such as the Media Club. He is well liked by his peers and has worked hard to form new friendships. Connor Wiese: Connor works hard on the things he does and is always willing to help out. Aleeya Wolf: Aleeya has done a wonderful job of coming to school everyday and being ready to learn! She has been extremely helpful! Olivia O'Connell: She is caring, helpful and respectful! Olivia is always on task, turns work in on time, and is always kind. Lexi Kuhn: Lexi is responsible, hard working, and polite. She always has a smile on her face and a kind word for others. Well done everyone! We are on the lookout for our November winners now.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Sharp