Beverly Manor Students & Families, While we wish we were in-person, know that we are excited and anxiously awaiting our March 2nd return. In the meantime, make sure you stay up to date with your teachers about classwork due dates and monitor your progress on Skyward to keep yourself in a school rhythm until we return. Our 3rd quarter incentive is quickly approaching on March 11th and you don't want missing assignments or low grades to keep you from missing out on this event. Check out Mr. Sharp's promo video for a sneak peek of the fun to come:
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Miss Darrow's 8th grade students made valentines for residents at a local nursing home. 💕
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Darrow
valentines for senior citizens
Miss Darrow's 8th grade students made valentines for residents at a local nursing home. 💕
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Darrow
Good afternoon District 50 Families, We hope day one of our current remote period has gone well or that you have been able to connect with your child's teacher or school office with needed essentials. Our building offices are here to assist in whatever way possible. As we move forward, each building (JL Hensey and Beverly Manor) will have the front offices staffed from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm on student attendance days.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Great start Wildcat families! We are at 8% completion at Manor and 9% at Hensey for the 5Essentials Survey! We need at least 20% at each building to get a report. The survey takes less than 10 minutes. If you have a child in each building, you are able to complete the survey for each building. 2021 Illinois Parent Survey Link:
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Cathy Trimble
REMINDER: Meal Delivery SIGN-UP for Remote Learning Days February 11-26… District 50 will be providing meals during remote learning. Meals are FREE to ALL children 1-18. Meals will be available at Hensey at our drive-thru (door #12 / at rear of school by the bus barn) and at different bus stops throughout town. Take note of pickup times associated with your meal pickup location (below). Meal pickup includes free lunch, breakfast, and snack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Use link to SIGN UP FOR MEALS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEAL PICK-UP LOCATIONS & TIMES John L. Hensey School @ Door 12 11:00-12:30 Tall Oak Apartment Subdivision @ the Bus Stop 10:45-10:55 Oliver Thomas Park 11:00-11:10 Sundoer Subdivision Apartments on Stahl 11:15-11:25 Holly and Elmhurst (subdivision behind firehouse) 11:35-11:45 Corner of Belaire Dr and Knollaire Dr (Rolling Meadows South) 12:00-12:10 Corner of Bittersweet and Briargate (near Pleasant Valley Missionary Baptist Church) 12:15-12:25 Beverly Manor Baptist Church Parking Lot 12:35-12:45 *****BE SURE TO SIGN UP*****
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Lawless
FYI: We just wanted to let everyone know that pictures for Hensey students is cancelled for today and will be rescheduled. If you already purchased pictures online the money will be applied once pictures are taken.
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Jamie Wolf
Hey D50 Families, We hope for the best and plan for the worst. While we know that we are back to a stint of remote learning until our return on March 2nd, we have worked hard to provide a hub of Family-Student Tech Resources to help make the process easier to maneuver. Please check out the Student & Family Tech Hub where you can find resources for understanding the programs our students use here: We hope this resource assists you during our remote period and we thank the teachers and other members that assisted in it's creation!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Sharp
District 50 will be providing meals during remote learning. Meals are FREE to ALL children 1-18. Meals will be available at Hensey at our drive-thru and at different bus stops throughout town. Use the attached link to signup for meals and to choose your meal pickup location. Take note of pickup times associated with your meal pickup location. Meal pickup includes free lunch, breakfast, and snack.
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Wood
A reminder for all Manor families that Spring Family-Teacher Conferences will continue as scheduled. If you had an in-person time slot, please look for a message from your child’s teacher about a possible change to a remote meeting. Also, a reminder that students should be logged into their Google classroom and actively working on their assignments by 9:00 am each morning and then submitted by the assignments due date to be present for the day. You will not see an assignment/work for this Friday (conference day) or coming Monday (Presidents Day) because they were originally non attendance days. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Sharp
Parents- Please know that ALL extracurriculars are cancelled for the duration of our remote learning time. Activities will resume on March 2nd.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Dear Parents and Guardians: Our district will be switching to Remote Learning for all students starting tomorrow (February 11, 2021) and will return to in-person learning Tuesday, March 2nd This change in schedule is necessary due to an increasing number of staff and student absences related to COVID-19. Staff absences are such that we are not able to adequately supervise students and maintain cleanliness of our buildings. Teachers are sending Chromebooks and chargers home with students today, along with anything they feel they need to be successful in their learning. Sincerely, Chad Allaman
almost 4 years ago, Tom Wilson
Updated link for Basketball apparel!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Attention Wildcat basketball fans! Want to show your team spirit with the latest apparel? Here is the link to order! The store is only open through Monday, though, so get those orders in! https://wildcat
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Volleyball at Germantown Hills tonight @ 4:15pm. Bus leaves at 3:15. Girls need to go home at dismissal and return at 3:00. Live feed link: Boys Basketball at home vs Morton @ 4:15pm. Live feed link: Go Wildcats!!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
There will not be volleyball study halls on game days due to the extended time frame between dismissal and game.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Please take a moment to complete the 5Essentials Survey for this year. This data helps our school make decisions to grow and improve! Thank you for your time! 2021 Illinois Parent Survey Link: Parent Survey Information Letter:
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Cathy Trimble
Volleyball live stream link for tonight's game: VB vs DeeMack Stream Here: Game starts at 4:15pm.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Boys Basketball at DeeMack tonight at 4:30pm. Bus leaves at 3:30. DeeMack will be live streaming the game which you can find here: Volleyball at home tonight vs DeeMack at 4:15pm. Live stream link will be posted on our facebook page prior to start time.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller
Boys basketball practice is cancelled for tonight due to weather. Please stay safe!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Miller